I just realized that it's been 2 years since I created this blog and it's been two years since my first trade.
What did I learn?
By reading through all my post and all my past mistakes (experiences) I came to realize that I should have done the following :
1. Placed all my money on some stocks that I knew would not go belly up in the next 4 years. (i.e. MER, SMDC, SM, MPI - Since these stocks in my opinion have the most potential)
2. Typed in a wrong password to my Online account a couple of times until it got locked-out.
3. Had fun.
4. Unlocked my account 2 years after (which is now) and reaped the couple-of-fold PROFITS.
** I bought a lot of SMDC back when it was still 2 something, sold when it got to around 4, now it's at 10ish.
Since it's too late to profit from the recession.
Here's my new plan :
1. Hold and Buys some more of SMDC, MPI and AP.
2. Wait till it's the bull market again and sell before the next recession. (DJIA around 16K)
3. When I'm having that gambling urge, I'll go to resorts world and spend a couple of hundreds to ease it.
Should have stuck with fundamentals :(
I hope this is just a rookie mistake; I'm a sophomore now so I should know better.
Appreciate the info. I just invested myself. I got into the property sector really heavy. Hope to cost average in the coming year for 2 years.
Thanks for the info! Hope I can be as fortunate as you! I got into the proerty sector heavily.... God willing, I can do well. I also plan to cost average in the coming year more stocks like BEL, MEG etc....
Hi Mildman,
I don't see myself as fortunate. I could have made so much more.
But the important thing I think, is that I recognized my mistake and hopefully I won't make the same again.
Hi, I'm really interested in investing in stock market. However, I still want to learn more about it.
Can you give me tips on what to check, and where to check while learning about stock market. hope you can help me.. thanks!
Hi Maria,
Based from my experience you cannot really learn by reading. I've read tons of books but investing tips and strategies work in a case by case basis.
Instead of buying books that would cost you 5,000 - 10,000, just open an account with your 5,000 - 10,000.
Also, in my opinion, if you can't make money with 10,000, you'll not make any either with 100,000 or 1,000,000.
One reminder, only invest, trade or gamble with money you can afford to lose.
Also, setup a blog / journal so you can read back from time to time to learn from your mistakes.
I made a lot of IT, to date.
hi there,
me and wife are just new in citisec also, we just created our EIP last jan 26...
it would really be helpful if you can give a weekly or monthly forecast :)
Hi Dabenzstar,
If I have all the answers I should have not written you a reply and spend the rest of my day lying on the beach, drinking beer, enjoying the breeze and spending all my moneysss on stuff that I don't need.
Seriously. Why did you choose EIP? I would have preferred to place my money on some insurance that matures in 10 years or so, if I did not like having head aches in analyzing the stocks and placing trades from time to time.
Also, I do have an insurance plan under pru-life, which I've read that they are just investing my money on PSE bluechip stocks.
I cannot tell you which stock is hot or not, but I can tell some stocks that I'm heavily exposed to. Which is kind of bad right now since I'm seeing some papers losses :(
2. MPI
3. AP
Note: My plan is to hold on to these stocks until DJIA hits 16K.
Also, please see my experiences from my old post which does not suggest you or people to trust my decisions.
Also, you should not trust anybody that gives you a hot tip.
Do your own research so you wont have anybody to blame but yourself if you loss, which all people trading in stocks had lost on some point of their trading lives.
I would like to start trading in PSE. I can really see potentials in SMDC, eventhough its slow - it will be big :)
Not too sure how can i start inpse, which account i need, do i need a brocker etc?
Hi Clark,
I'm using www.citiseconline.com now.
But before I was using FirstMetroSec. I've also heard BPITrade is very stable.
All the necessary informatin is on the site. Always up and stable. I have not encountered any glitches on the site during trading hours.
I think the minimum is 25,000 to open an account. You can also deposit money to your stock trading account either via MetrobankDirect or BPIExpressOnline.
However, for withdrawing, it takes time since, it can only be done via check.
Very easy to deposit and withdraw money from and to your account, via MetrobankDirect.
The stock information or data you need is also almost at par with citiseconline.
I had issues with the stability of the site though, I got turned off before during the MER takeover, the site ceased to accept my orders, which for me opportunity lost.
However, I spoke with a friend that still uses FirstMetroSec, he informed me that it already improved. Also, I think there's no maintaining balance for FirstMetroSec.
I have not used it personally, but based from a friend, it's very stable. You can deposit and withdraw via your bpiexpressonline.
My friend though, still uses citiseconline for the analytics and stock information, but trades using BPITrade
God Bless.
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